A devoted member of the North Penn community, Mrs. June Browne began her journey with the North Penn School District in 1972. Although not a North Penn alumna herself, June's start with the district marked the beginning of a long, dear story with the North Penn School District not only for June, but also her husband, children and the North Penn community.
Throughout her 33 year tenure with the NPSD, June worked in nine different schools, a few of which no longer exist as school buildings in the district today. June served as an inspiring and dedicated teacher and reading specialist at Inglewood, North Wales, West Point, Hancock, Montgomery, Nash, Hatfield, Gwynedd Square and Kulp elementary schools.
June Browne is described as "one of the teachers that you hoped your child would get." Her passion for education and creative classroom strategies was no secret to her coworkers and students. However, June's role in the district and community alike has been far more than just an instructor for students. During June's time with the North Penn School District, she worked alongside coworkers as well as independently to pioneer a wide range of extracurricular and charitable programs for students in the district and the community.
June was a co-founder of the NPSD Young Authors' Conference, a program which was held for over 4,000 K-6 students with an interest in writing throughout the NPSD for more than 20 years. She spearheaded NPSD's participation in the Montgomery County Reading Olympics for elementary school students, a program that many of our schools still compete in today which challenges young adults to read a variety of literature and compete in a trivia contest based on their knowledge. With the help of two fellow NPSD teachers, June also introduced North Penn elementary schools to the Keystone Books Program in 2001, a program where books are donated by the county to elementary schools for teachers to read aloud to their students. The students then vote on their favorite selections and return their votes to the county, who then produces a list of favorite books ranked by local elementary school students for the community.
June served as the President and Vice President of the North Penn High School Booster Club from 1994-1999. She and her husband, Frank Browne, hosted five international exchange students-three of whom they are still in contact with today-through North Penn's International Friendship Committee Foreign Exchange Program. June acted as President and a board member of the Montgomery County Head Start Program, a federal program which provides preschool experience for economically deprived children and their families.
While June certainly had her hands full as an educator and volunteer, that didn't stop her from getting involved as a parent for her two children who are North Penn alumni. June volunteered as a Brownie Leader, T-Ball and Softball Team Parent for her daughter Annmarie, who attended Gwyn-Nor, Pennbrook, Penndale and North Penn High School, graduating in 1997. As luck would have it, Annmarie followed in her mother's footsteps and is currently employed as a Special Education Assistant at Penndale Middle School. June also volunteered on her son Jason's behalf by supporting him through soccer as well as serving as a Cub Scout Leader. Like his sister, Jason attended Gwyn-Nor Elementary where June sure enough spent several years as Home and School Association President. Jason also attended Gwynedd Square, Pennbrook, Penndale and North Penn High School, graduating in 1999. While June spent countless hours devoting her time to the students of the North Penn area as well as her own children, her husband had his hand in the pot as well, volunteering as a guest speaker at many career days throughout the North Penn School District.
Although June retired from the district in 2005, she remains busy in this next chapter of her life. She is an active member of her high school Alumna Association, Catherine McAuley High School in Brooklyn, New York. This should come as no surprise, as June herself was the founder of the association in 1972. June also produces a monthly newsletter for the 400-unit residential community where she lives today.
When asked about her favorite memory from North Penn, June simply stated, "The closeness of the North Penn Community."
"I met people who saw the big picture," she explained, "people who valued education and extra-curricular activities beyond their own children... people who were willing to work so that all kids could enjoy extras that the Home and School efforts provided."
June explained that she still remains close with many teachers, parents and students to this day. "Having the opportunity to work in so many schools, I met so many students, parents, principals and teachers. What a blessing for me as a teacher and as a person," she said. "One of my favorite experiences has been running into former parents and students that I once taught. North Penn has truly been a blessing to my life. NPSD deserves all the accolades it receives."

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