Flexible Instruction Plan

Flexible Instruction Plan 2021-2024

North Penn School District

Introduction: A Flexible Instruction Day (FID) is a program available to Pennsylvania public school entities to be used as an alternate approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in a customary manner. More information can be found here. A district may institute up to 5 flexible instructional days in a school year which count towards the PDE-required minimum of 180 days. This plan must be approved by the school board and the PA Department of Education. The general framework of expectations is provided below.

Please note that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has paused the implementation of the FID Program and it will resume at a later date. However, we have used virtual days during the pandemic and on inclement weather days.

1. Describe the procedure for notifying all students, parents, and professional staff prior to a flexible instructional day being instituted.

What to Expect:

Communications- Families and staff will be notified via School Messenger that an FID will be held. The message will be sent as soon as possible, which could be the evening prior to the day or at latest, 7 am on the school day. The message will be detailed and clear so they know start, end times, and expectations.

Learning- NPSD utilizes the Canvas learning management system and has provided students and staff with devices that can be used at home to do so. Internet hotspots are available to families needing access. The flexible instructional day provides for a combination of asynchronous and synchronous options in which students complete assignments given by their classroom teachers and are supported through Canvas. As an alternative method of delivering instruction, teachers may also assign a menu of review activities, a choice board, reading assignments, and/or paper pencil tasks ahead of time, in the event there is an issue with technology or access to the materials. Students who need that alternative method for any reason will be able to call their school's main office. For our learners who require special accommodations and modifications to access their instructional programs, special education teachers support the accessibility through synchronous options, teacher break-outs, and virtual check-ins. Additionally, related services will be provided through synchronous sessions with students.

Student Attendance and Expectations

As previously noted, all students have been provided with an electronic device that they will take home daily. Students will be expected to state that they are present, put their name in the chat, or mark themselves "present" for attendance purposes on FIDs. Students can also prove their attendance by submitting work, if assigned. Should there be an issue with technology or access to the materials, students who need an alternative method of instruction will be marked present if they call the phone number or email provided. If they are able to complete the assignments, they will turn them in the next day and be counted in attendance. If they contact the school and teacher and indicate that they are unable to complete their work, they will be given 3 days to make it up for credit, however they will be marked absent. In these cases, a determination will be made if the absence is excused or unexcused. If a student does not do any work, they will be marked absent and will not receive credit should they choose not to make up the assignment in the 3 days allotted.

Staff Attendance and Expectations

Since it is a regularly scheduled day, all professional and support staff will be available. Professional staff will provide for flexible submission options which allow for work completion as a means for attendance for the current day. Teachers and staff will be available to their students via email and Google Meets in addition to the traditional phone call throughout the school hours. Teachers will be available to answer questions and support learners in the online platform before school, during the school day, and during scheduled office hours. In the event that students need access to other staff such as nurses, principals, assistants, guidance counselors, reading specialists, etc., they can contact them via email and/or the phone numbers provided to address academic, social, emotional, or wellness concerns.