General Information

Absences: Parents or guardians must notify the school if a student is absent. You can email the attendance secretary at [email protected] or call the main office at 215-699-9287.

Late Arrivals: Students must stop at the reception desk with a note from their parent/guardian explaining their lateness in order to receive a late pass and report to their teacher. Parents/guardians do not need to come into the building if the student has a note in hand.

Appointments During the School Day: If a student must leave during the school day they must bring a note to the attendance office or reception desk before homeroom and will be given a pass to leave class at the appropriate time. Parents/guardians must come in and sign students out at the reception desk.

Bus Riders: Students must ride their assigned bus to and from school. There are no bus passes permitted to ride on another students bus.

Telephone Usage: A phone is available for students to use in the main office during the day and for those staying for after school activities. During the day students must obtain a pass from their teacher.

Forgotten Lunches and Homework: Lunches and homework may be dropped off in the vestibule. Items will be brought up sprodically throughout the day to the Main Office. Students may pick up the item between classes.

Extended Absences (more than 3 days): If a student is leaving for an extended time the attendance office should be notified two weeks ahead so that the student can alert his/her teachers and have them sign off on a required form that they are aware that an absence is planned.

Making Up Missing Work: If a student is absent for a day or two, they are encouraged to contact classmates and get homework for that day. All work missed must be made up by the student. Upon return it is the responsibility of the student to contact their teachers to make arrangements to make up missed work, tests, etc. If it appears that a student will be absent for more than 3 days please call the office to arrange for homework. With 24-hour notice, homework can be picked up after 3:00pm. A follow-up call is advised to be sure there is work to be picked up.

Medication: If a student brings non-controlled medications to school they need to bring the medicine and required documentation first thing in the morning to the nurse's office. Prescribed medications require a doctor's order and parent/guardian's signature to administer. Nurses can administer ibuprofen and acetaminophen medications if the parent indicates his/her consent on the emergency card.